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Rules for the use of virtual hosting services and the Internet

1. Prohibited Uses.

1.1. When using the Hosting, it is prohibited:

1.1.1. To limit access to other users or prevent other users from using the Internet.

1.1.2. To send out SPAM. Unauthorized spam sending is an unacceptable action. The Customer’s domain name and its physical server name should not act as a sender, shouldn’t mediate and/or to be a link in electronic messages and/or e-mail of such mailings, no matter through which servers such mailing is carried out. In addition, unauthorized distribution is prohibited in SMS, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and other social media with the use of the Contractor’s Hosting in one form or another. Any user, who sends out messages without a request (spam) will be immediately blocked with notification or without it.

1.1.3. To send out more than 300 emails from one domain per hour.

1.1.4. To publish or transmit through the Hosting any information, which dissemination directly or indirectly contradicts Ukrainian law and/or International Law.

1.1.5. To publish or transmit through the Hosting any information and software that include computer viruses or other harmful components.

1.1.6. To use the Hosting in order to impede the computer systems’ operation of the сontractor and/or its customers, use the services for scanning and other destructive actions, both in relation to computer networks and systems of the contractor, and other networks and Internet systems.

1.1.7. To use the Hosting for illegal/unauthorized access to both contractor’s computer systems and networks, and Internet-accessible computer systems and networks of third parties.

1.1.8. To send, publish, transmit, reproduce or distribute by means of the Hosting software or other materials, received in any way, that is fully or partially protected by copyright or other rights without the owner’s permission. If you believe that your copyright is being abused, please let us know by filling out the form at send us an email at [email protected]

1.1.9. To use personal or provided informational resources (mailboxes, e-mail addresses, WWW pages, etc.) as contact coordinates for any of the above mentioned actions, no matter from which point of the network these actions were performed.

1.1.10. Initiate processes on the server which use the memory for PHP and/or CPU that exceed the limits specified in the Limit Table for the Customer’s plan.

1.1.11. To run resident programs, daemons, chat-programs, open / public proxies, programs running under the IRC and Jabber protocol, software for mining, use network scanners, password detecting programs, keyloggers, spam-generators, gaming servers.

1.1.12. Place on one account the number of files that exceeds the limit specified in the Index Descriptors (inode) column in the the Limit Table; create databases MySQL/ PostgreSQL/MSSQL with the volume more than 2 GB or the ones that contain more than 1000 tables; save mail with the volume more than 1 GB per single mail account.

1.1.13. Within trial period you are not allowed to use the following software groups: Cryptocurrency miners, P2P network clients or nodes, clickers, traffic generators, social network bots, network distributed computing clients, open / public proxies, spam-generators, gaming servers.

1.1.14. Be involved in the illegal distribution and smuggling of substances that are subject to state control as well as engage in drug smuggling;

1.1.15. Be involved in the illegal distribution of medical prescriptions or engage in marketing and PR as well as drug distribution without a valid medical prescription;

1.1.16. Post child pornography or any information that could potentially harm children. Any site that hosts child pornography or links to other child pornography sites will be blocked immediately without notice;

1.1.17. Host E-Gold, Second Life/Linden exchange sites as well as advertize Ponzi, multi-level financial pyramids, or similar sites;

1.1.18. Post or link to sites that aim to deceive the audience;

1.1.19. Post websites with gambling;

1.1.20. Post websites that are involved in legalization of illegal profits / money laundering;

1.1.21. Post websites that are involved in phishing and engaging in identity theft;

1.1.22. Post websites that are involved in sale of weapons and ammunition.

1.2. In case of violation of one of the conditions (1.1.1-1.1.22) during testing, the Contractor reserves the right, unilaterally, to delete all test services of the user.

1.3. For virtual dedicated servers (VDS, VPS) 250GB, 500GB, 1000GB, 2000GB, 4000GB, 6000GB plans, automatic data backup service is not provided.

1.4. For the "Cloud Site" tariff plan, when activating the "Turbo" mode and consuming more basic resources, another additional invoice will be generated once a month. Payment is charged every hour only for the resources actually used in excess of the base.

1.5. Provider reserves the right to refuse in forwarding or delete any information and materials that violates this agreement, current Ukrainian legislation, generally accepted and international standards of Internet etiquette.

1.6. The service “Unlimited bandwidth” is given in the amount of at most 100 Gb for shared hosting tariffs. When mentioned limit is reached or exceeded, Provider could increase it with prior Customer’s notification.

1.7. To ensure maximum sites security on tariffs: Windows Hosting, Linux Hosting, Pro Linux Hosting, Cloud Site Hosting, Turbo NVMe Hosting, WordPress Hosting, CMS hosting and Reselling Hosting we have special software installed. It scans user sites for viruses and malicious scripts on everyday-basis.

1.8. The Contractor can increase the available volume for the mail account upon the Customer’s request on condition that it will not prevent the server from working seamlessly and increase the time for creating backup copies. The Contractor can also refuse to increase the available volume due to other technical reasons.

2. Terms of internet usage.

2.1. Within the Contractor’s services, a customer can use both the Hosting and its components. Except for the information and services specified in this Agreement, Provider does not provide or control information, services and goods that are placed or sold through the Internet

2.2. All goods, information and services that are offered via the Internet are provided by third parties that are not connected with Contractor (except for the services specified in this agreement). Customer takes full responsibility for virtual hosting and Internet usage.

2.3. The Provider doesn’t give any guarantees – direct or indirect (including, without restrictions, guarantees for the observance of property rights or fitness for a particular purpose) on any goods, information and services provided by third parties through the Internet. Provider is not responsible for any costs, losses or damages which occurred directly or indirectly as a result of using the Hosting.

2.4. The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information from Customer’s site.

2.5. The Customer is aware that the Internet contains unedited materials, some of which may be sexually explicit or may contain offensive information for some persons. The Contractor does not control these materials and is not responsible for them.

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