Domain ID Protection
When you register a domain, your name, address, email, and phone number appear in the Whois database, which is available to all Internet users, including online scammers. With domain privacy protection service, contact information about the domain is replaced with the registrar's information – and this is the only thing other people will be able to see.
WHOIS Privacy and Security ensures the protection of your domain from unauthorized actions such as data interception, DNS updates, editing the domain contact information, as well as spam and other online threats. Make sure that your information is not used by none other than you, with Domain Privacy Protection service.
Without WHOIS Privacy Protection With WHOIS Privacy Protection
Name John Snow
Name Domain Administrator
Organization John Dev
Organization Registrant of
Address vul. Nezalezhnosti, 1/11
Address 72 Chase Side, Suite 2
City Kyiv
City London
State / Province Kyiv
State / Province Chase Side
Postal Code 20201
Postal Code N14 5 PH
Country UA
Country GB
Phone +380.0444112233
Phone +44.7520644531
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]

With WHOIS Privacy Protection
Name Domain Administrator
Organization Registrant of
Address 72 Chase Side, Suite 2
City London
State / Province Chase Side
Postal Code N14 5 PH
Country GB
Phone +44.7520644531
Email [email protected]
Protection from theft
No spam
Expert Support
One-click hiding data in WHOIS
Easy order of ID protection when registering a domain

Domain privacy and protection
Free Web Hosting
Get one month of "First Turbo NVMe" plan as a gift with your new domain
How much does the ID Protection service cost?
The price of the service is $10/year. The cost of "ID Protection" is calculated for the period remaining until the end of the domain registration period. For example, if your domain is registered in January, and you ordered the service in June, invoice will be issued only on $5.
How can I add Domain ID Protection to my domain name?
You can add "ID Protection" for new domains during the open registration phase. You can also hide the details of previously registered domain names. To do this, please email us at [email protected].
How else can I protect my domain name?
For even better security, in addition to the service "Domain ID Protection," we advise you to set up two-step verification of access to your Client Area and create a secure unique password. It is also better to specify your own name when registering a domain, so you will be listed as the owner, and, without special need, never share your account login details with anyone.
Are Ukrainian domains already protected with WHOIS Privacy?
Yes, Ukrainian domains registered by individuals are already protected with WHOIS Privacy at registration. Therefore there is no need to purchase additional domain ID protection service in such a case.
Which domain names don't support Domain Privacy?
Unfortunately, we can't provide domain privacy + protection for such domain zones: .bz, .ca,, .de, .eu, .in, .ch, .fr, .us, .es.