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Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates

Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates

The certificate is designed to protect the email and sign documents. It verifies ownership of the domain name. Certificate is available for individuals and legal entities.

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Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates


1 year
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Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates will be perfect solution for protecting e-mail from hacking. Due to this certificate, customers see that the signed documents are identified by the signer and have not been altered by the attackers. And you, in turn, can be calm in important contracts’ transfer, documents and other confidential information by e-mail.

Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates provides 256-bit data encryption, which is a guarantee of protection against fraudsters’ interception and it’s forgery.

Please use Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or Mozilla Firefox to collect your certificate. Personal Authentication Certificates cannot be generated using Apple Safari, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

Choose a certificate that meets requirements of your site!

Features and specifications of certificates

  • E-mail encryption;
  • Message sender identification;
  • Supported by major email clients;
  • 256 bit encryption;
  • Compatibility with browsers - 99.3%;
  • Possibility of Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, VBA Macros and many other documents digital signature;
  • Compatible with Microsoft Exchange Server and with hardware, working with an email gateway;
  • RSA/DSA certificate key - 2048 bits;
  • Simple and fast verification, which does not require the documents provision;
  • The certificate is issued within a few minutes;
  • Links users and their devices using PKI authentication;
  • An electronic signature links the user ID with the message content for mail security;
  • Free technical support 24/7;
  • Certificate issuance 24/7;

Protect your email!

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